Sunday, July 02, 2006

What you need to know

On the slim possiblity people besides my family and friends are reading this, I should give a little bit of background. You don't need to know much though just that I'm heading to East Africa for a five month internship doing mine action (also known as landmine advocacy) with an NGO. I am living proof that it is possible to get a job in your field with a 'useless' degree in the social sciences - got the phone call the day after Convocation! Yes I will admit that I had a starbucks application on my desk at the time but don't worry I shredded that. I have created this blog as a travel journal, a place to rant/rave and post my thoughts to the world and a way to keep family and friends at home in the loop. These are my thoughts only and have absolutely nothing to do with any of the organizations I am working with.

That being said, I don't leave for Ottawa (for pre-departure training) for another two weeks so I won't have much to say til then. Wanted to get this up and running before I left because I'm not the brightest when it comes to technology. At the moment my life is full of planning, packing and tying up loose ends, plus cramming as much socializing and family bonding as possible into the time I have left in town. I now have a visa so I'm officially allowed in the country!!! I can't say all the vaccinations were fun and I still have one to there are the malaria pills that I'm testing out to make sure they don't make me crazy (ok crazier than I am- so far so good) . I have plane tickets and a Lonely Planet too! I'm starting to get really excited and a little nervous - like seriously what am I doing? What does a little girl from Victoria (Oak Bay of all places) know about living in a huge city in Africa??? Ah well that what makes it so exciting.
That's all for now, I've gotta go tend to my cupcakes for Food Fest!


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