Saturday, July 08, 2006

One Week to Ottawa

So I leave for Ottawa a week tomorrow and I am not even close to packed. What the hell does one bring for six months in East Africa???? Every so often I kinda think that I must be crazy to be doing this but then I reassure myself and remember that it's going to be a great experience and I can't even begin to imagine. I just have to remember not to listen to people like that patronizing Californian/Texan(?) at work the other day who pretty much implied I was a stupid and naive little girl who doesn't know what she is getting herself into when Painted Tongue and I were discussing my inpending departure.
I'm done work now so it's just the independent study stuff and packing and socializing to fill my ever-shrinking amount of time left in town - ps don't be shocked if you see me in the library as I have a crap-load of reading to do before Ottawa.............. Weird not working at TBG anymore but it was fun. No more asking if seeds are going to the united states or if canadian change is alright!!! Crazy eh?
Working on putting my music collection on to an ipod - yes I cracked and became one of those ipod-owning people I mock constantly - while reading all this independent study stuff which needs to get done asap so I have time to have some family time and some fun time before I go thus I should get back to that!


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