Sunday, January 07, 2007

Moving day

So it’s my last morning living in Kampala. It was actually quite good to be back into the chaos, ok maybe it’s just good to be back to see people. This morning I finished packing up my apartment, load it into the car that is going up to Loro tomorrow and am heading to the bus park to hop on a bus to Gulu with some of my stuff. At the moment there are a huge number of questions on my mind.
What the hell was I thinking, agreeing to stay longer, agreeing to move away from the friends I’ve made here, away from my support structure and good restaurants, to do something I have no experience in?
Can I do this job? I have no idea how to implement a project and I no longer can just pop my head into the next office to ask Evelyn or else just look up and ask Keith. I don’t even really know how to start this up but I know I have to and fast.
How the hell am I getting on the bus with the amount of stuff I want to bring up today?
How are people going to react when they see what they have to bring up country to me tomorrow?
How did I accumulate so much stuff? Seriously it’s ridiculous.
Am I going to be lonely? I don’t know anyone outside of the office, the internet up there has been sketchy to say the least (ok non-existent for most of the last month and a half) so I won’t be able to get through to my friends at home very easily and texting (both to people at home and to my friends in Kampala) is one thing but I don’t know.
Is it feasible to come down on most weekends? Will I be able to couch surf my way through the weekends?
Will the youth, the local officials and other stakeholders take me seriously with the super young age and the aforementioned lack of experience?
Will I get along with Kevin, the volunteer who has been shifted from random office work to focus on peacebuilding? She seems pretty nice but has been very quiet the times I’ve met her.
How will I be able to relate to people whose major concern at age 16 was whether or not they would be abducted or shot at while mine was whether I would get a scholarship and whether or not I had good plans for the weekend?
How long is it going to take for me to clean up that damn kitchen?
Which bedroom do I get?
Is the hot water working up there yet?
Do I really want to hire Mercie’s wash lady who one day saw me on the veranda and walked up to me and proceeded to ask for money?
What am I going to make for dinner tonight?
Am I going to be able to handle the heat? Apparently rainy season will eventually end and it’s going to get HOT, I’m a west coast girl I don’t do too hot or too cold.
Why won’t that damn rooster shut up?


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