Monday, November 13, 2006

swimming in the nile

so went to jinja to the source of the nile this weekend. got to stay in a nicer hotel than i would normally pick (on daddy) and then we tried some river kyaking. it's funny how different river kyaks are - i was expecting a long kyak and they were short and stubby things. got dumped into the nile twice - once on purpose to prove that i could get out if i tipped and once by accident which was rather amusing to say the least. Don't worry mom I was fine, no stress at all. water was nice and warm.
Kyaking was fun and then we walked along the muddiest road i've ever seen to reach the main road to get a matatu back to jinja and back to kampala. ended up going all the way back to kampala with a good amount of mud on myself. all over my feet and up the back of my legs. it was so bad my flipflop died. literally died the strap pulled out...... people were pointing laughing at me all the way home, all the way home through three taxi rides and a good wander through the taxi park.
mud is good i guess


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