Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Cheap lives and free activities

So sitting at my desk today, (Keith is back from a little bout of malaria so the office is loud again) when someone calls Keith hoping for some help. Apparently there was a baby born last week whose mother died afterwards (maternal mortality rate is pretty high here) but that baby has been left in the hospital and not cared for at all, he is just lying on a bed in the materinity unit alone. No one knows where the father or other family members are. Occasionally other mothers might give him a spoonful of milk but no one seems to care. This little baby is now malnurished and ill. So someone called Keith because he used to work in the maternity wards and knows people. Most of the morning inbetween work, I've been listening to Keith try to get through to someone who can transfer the baby into the neo-natal unit so that someone will care for him. People have said life is cheap in Africa but that is fucking ridiculous.

Sorry that my 50th post is depressing and that apparently I now swear in front of strangers, I think I will attempt some baking this evening after work provided we have power....
Found a cool thing last night - Bubbles shows movies on Tuesday nights for free (you're expected to order some drinks or snacks, one citrus fanta = 1000 shillings) and they give you popcorn so I went with Jess' house and some randoms to watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Pretty cool to be sitting outside in a couch under the stars watching a movie wearing a tank top in October.


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