Saturday, October 21, 2006

Gulu Walk

So just got back from Gulu Walk which was an interesting event. Organization was not exactly the best but that's ok, still had a good time. From CPAR myself, Betty, Liz the new American volunteer, and Gizaw walked. Quite a diverse group, Makerere students, randoms, a couple of drunk university students and the occasional mzungu. The Acholi Cultural Group who performed at the end was pretty cool. But now I'm tired and hot - thankfully we decided not to give a speech or else it was down to me or Betty b/c Gizaw doesn't do public speaking..... Think I shall post some more pictures and then take nap or get some groceries.
Acholi Cultural Group Preforming
CPAR Family Walking
Betty, Me and Naomi (We only had two shirts, so I let Betty wear mine due to her more scandalous tank top don't ask)
Makerere Students walking on Kampala Road


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are just back from the Victoria Gulu walk. About 250 people. Sunny, cool breeze. Hope to get some pics to you in the next little while.


October 22, 2006  
Blogger Erin said...


October 24, 2006  

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