Saturday, October 14, 2006


Lately I’ve been pondering a wide variety of questions. Thought I’d share them with you all:
Why did it take me almost three months to notice that I can stick the internet cable under the office door so I have internet on my patio? Currently sitting on the patio enjoying the lovely 28 degree day….
Would it be harder to go from N.America here or the other way around? Which way would the culture shock be harsher? General discussion last night was that it would be harder to go from here especially from the village because a lot of social aspects of life in North America would be shocking eg. PDAs, women in shorts, attitudes to gender and sexuality, food, etc…
Is it really that odd to cook a meal without adding salt? Betty, Naomi, Katie and Jess came over for dinner last night. Owed Betty a Canadian dinner for missing her grad party and she wanted to learn how to cook ‘North American’ Naomi and Betty were shocked that we didn’t add any salt to the shell pasta, in a cream sauce with chicken and veggies….
If the first Backstreet Boys hit was Everybody (Backstreet’s Back) where are they coming back from?
Will the house boys next door and the brickmakers down the driveway ever get used to seeing me and stop staring/yelling things?
How can a country with so much water/lakes/rivers have such major problems with electricity? There are two branches of the Nile here for God’s sake!!!!
Why is country music so popular here?
What on earth am I going to do when I get home?
What is wrong with my fridge? – It freezes things for no reason and makes a ton of noise every so often.
Where does all the dust come from? It’s ridiculous, seriously it’s mostly paved roads up here and still there’s dust everywhere!
Am I nuts, planning on traveling from here to Mozambique with Meg after Christmas overland by ourselves?
Do Jess and I really look that much alike that everyone things we’re sisters?
How did people stay in touch with those at home before the internet?
What role do I play in the level of poverty here?
Why is the keyboard getting so hot? Wait a sec I'm outside at noon pretty much on the equator - think I can answer that one myself....
Is it wrong to live a very expat-life? Try to make my house and my life as normal as possible? Eg. Went out for coffee twice last Monday (different people, different places) and went to the mall, pretty much only cook western food.
Can the people in the office hear me singing along with my music? The worst part is I have headphones on so it's quite possible they think I'm nuts...
Will the Shoprite ever get Taco shells in stock? They have the seasoning and the salsa but not the shells!!!! Been waiting over two weeks.
How painful will it be to go from here to Ottawa in January?
It’s Saturday why are there five people here working?
What am I going to make for lunch?
Well I should probably get on that last one. Heading to Jess’ tonight for a party which should be fun, part of the CPAR family is coming and so is a bunch of other people we know in town.


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