Dirty Feet
One thing I don't think I've mentioned was how difficult it is to keep your feet clean here. It's not just difficult it's impossible. I know people who wash their feet twice a day - I only do it once a day because I feel more times is futile unless it's rainy and I'm muddy. Huge amount of dust and dirt plus often wearing open toed shoes equals very dirty feet. Now remember I live on a paved road - I can't imagine what it would be like living on a murram (dirt road). Thought you would like to know.
Remembered that there are a couple of things that just cannot become normal for me:
Remembered that there are a couple of things that just cannot become normal for me:
- the lack of recycling - seriously causes me distress to throw out paper and plastic bottles
- littering, there's garbage everywhere and then in the garbage heaps it is burnt which is just gross.
Hello Erin.
How's it goin?
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