Friday, September 15, 2006

I have the most amazing friends

I was so confused at lunch when Julius handed me two slips saying I had a package at the post office. I have ordered some books from Lonely but I couldn't figure out what the other package was. When Henry got back from town with the packages I was amazed to find both were care packages from my friends. They sent me all sorts of things I would never have thought to ask for but I do miss, eg. more bits of cosmo (funny how alike my friends and my sister think), globe style, jiffy pop, zoolander, tons of candies, wild sweet orange tea and A GINGER MOLASSES COOKIE (the kind I love from Starbucks - it's not even that stale thanks to ziplock). I already ate the fruit salad candies (I shared them with everyone here) they taste very different when we're not drinking a bottle of wine in the cafeteria ha ha ha. My friends are amazing - I love you girls!!!


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