Saturday, August 26, 2006

Crocodiles, Birds and Mzungus

First thing's first - there should be new photos in the album link over on the side there. So Jess found this nature club and she talked me into joining too. I know we're pretty dorky but it seemed like a really good idea. Paid the equivilant of 10bucks for the year and twice a month they put on nature walks where we meet at their office at 7am (that means up at 5 something and leave at 6 to matautu and boda to the office!!!yikes that's early it's still dark!!!) then they drive us somewhere and we go on a nature walk. Plus they're mostly students from one of the universities who go so it's lots of people our age. Today was the first walk we went on, it was at Buwana (or something like that) Crocodile Farm. They raise crocodiles there for their skins and meat... odd choice of location for a conservation organization but ah well - the environmental studies students had a field day. Most of the crocodiles were litle because their skin is best before they grow too old - in crocodile world you become a purse when you turn five. It was pretty cool though - there was a man-eating crocodile there that the wildlife authority had asked the farm to look after once it was captured - the thing was HUGE!!! Then we got to walk around - wander along the shores of Lake Victoria. Pretty funny we were walking in from this odd little penisula when from the beach we hear mzungu mzungo - a bunch of kids had spotted us and were running over to see us. It was pretty strange but amusing especially because some of the other girls on the walk had been trying to teach us some of the local language so this was a very good opportunity for practice. What was really sad is farther along there were two little kids (like really really little 6 and 3 or 4) gathering water from the lake now we're told you can't even swim in that water b/c it can give you parasites and things but those kids were drinking that water!!! It seems most of the people in the club are avid birdwatchers so that was a little odd - not a big fan of staring at birds but the scenery was nice. Got back into town at like 2 then had to matautu downtown, went to the big grocery store Shoprite (bought my own pots and pans finally super cheap ones though - did you know they make aluminum pots???) then walk back to the taxi park and back home. The usual ten to 15 in the taxi took closer to forty minutes because for some reason it was gridlock the whole way home, bumper to bumper....brutal!!!
Now it may be only 830 on a Saturday night but I'm about ready for bed...... brutally tired - don't recommend getting up at five very often! Have to get up early-ish tomorrow too (ok like 7 or 8) b/c Jess is coming over to see the place and use the free internet and I need to clean massively - I don't own a broom or a mop at the moment- before going in to town to get her - she's never been to the taxi park before or up here so I figured it was best to meet somewhere we both know and then come back here together.
Good night!!!


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