Monday, August 14, 2006


I have power until like 6 pm tomorrow (at least that's what is expected - apparently it's on a pattern), I have internet in my room (sitting on my bed typing now), I made myself something decent for dinner, got a lot of work done today, have talked to three other YPs in the past 24 hours (Geneva, here and Azerbaijan), have tentative dinner plans for tomorrow night, found KMPS online so I'm listening to country music radio and the lizard that was on my (kitchen!!!) wall last night who made a repeat visit today appears to have finally left the building. I still don't have a stove, anywhere to put my non-refridgerated food or dishes and I didn't make it to the bank today and I may have to write a project proposal in the next 6 days but I'm still contented.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"contented"? you sound like mr. rogers, lol! well, at least it's good to hear you're still pretty much spelling country with a "k" even if there are lizards around. and don't worry about the lack of a fridge - adds to your redneck woman persona ;) and btw, you're previous comments on the traffic situation could be a great convo starter with a certain cbc journalist - keep those eyes peeled when you're not saying "hey'all" and "hee-haw"!!!


August 15, 2006  

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