Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Meetings and deadlines

Finally got a second to write something. It's been a bit hectic around here for sure. We're trying to get the Mine Action Protfolio ready to be sent to New York. It's kinda like a catalog for donors we write a one page proposal, they all go in this huge book for the entire world (well every country that has mine action activities) and we hope some donor decides from that one page they want to fund us or at least ask for a whole project proposal. We started last Wednesday and it has to go to NY on Friday!!! I'm really happy with the stuff we got in today though, really cool projects. So this portfolio thing is why I've had so many meetings, last week with UNDP at the Mine Action Centre, yesterday at the Mine Action Centre, then a working dinner at Jane's, today meeting at the Mine Action Centre, then Ministry of Health then back at the Mine Action Centre. There might have been another one in there some where I can't remember........ Finally got the four or five sheets done and sent off so I can relax until tomorrow when I'm talking to a guy from one of the newspapers about something. It's just like school - that really unpleasant part where you are constantly writing papers just before they are due! I thought I had escaped that but apparently not.
On the plus side I harrassed the IT guy into giving me the password to the adminstrator account for this computer (I think the phrase was wouldn't it just be easier to give me the password so I don't harrass you constantly for the next 5 months??) so I am able to download stuff now though it's taking forever b/c I couldn't get the programme I usually use and this one I have sucks. We're going on two days for half a season of a tv show and that's leaving my computer on over night downloading.... ugh! If you have any suggestions please let me know.
I don't have a tv (plus there's only like 4 channels here) so internet/dvds on the laptop are my only hope.
So I learned something kinda odd the other day - our housekeeper (yes my office has a housekeeper - she cooks our meals (breakfast/lunch) - we also have two guards, two drivers and one guy who I don't really know what he is but he appears to clean/maintain the building and bring water/tea to my office - it's crazy and I've heard we don't actually have that big a staff compared to others) has a maid. It's really strange though everyone has a maid or a lady of the house etc. There was an article in the paper a while ago about how working women should be wary b/c their maids spend more time with their children and their husband then they do and people think this leads to some maids and husbands having affairs. I find it all kinda odd.
Starting to get really excited b/c it looks like I'm having guests in September and then the end of October/early November. Christa (my Ottawa supervisor) is coming on her way home from the 7th meeting of states parties - the meeting of all the countries who have signed the mine ban treaty -(see link More about Landmines) and we're going up to the field and everything and then my Dad is looking at flights at the end of October for a week or two and then we could do all the touristy stuff I haven't done yet!!!! Yay!


Blogger lis said...

Hey Erin,

Just thought I'd say hi.

Glad to hear things are going well over there...sounds hectic, but exciting.

I linked you!

Take care,

August 25, 2006  

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