Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Canadian Dinner

I made dinner for the office last night. It was shake and bake chicken, 'ceasar' salad (the closest dressing I could find), garlic bread and pasta with tomato sauce. It went over really really well - everyone loved it. They are all impressed with my cooking and how little time it took to make even though I thought it took a long time. Apparently cooking a meal here should take at least an hour.... Definitely have better things to do with my time than spend over an hour cooking dinner every night - occasionally sure but not every night. I hopefully will have photos added to the album by the time you read this.
This week I had a pleasantish surprise I've been allowed to go the national IMSMA training. It's a big data system for mine action which is being implemented here and used in a ton of countries around the world. We're only supposed to send one person but b/c I smiled big and spoke french to the guy from geneva who is doing the training I get to go along with Susan. The system is actually not that hard and it is a really good career skill if I want to continue in mine action. Funnily enough today the guy one of the other NGOs pretty much told me that if I wanted to stay here and I was IMSMA trained I could get a job with them. I don't know about that but nice to know I have options. Anyways it's almost the whole week of training so it'll keep me busy then Susan and I will have to train everyone on the system.
Just chatting with my friend Chris over MSN and we're discussing why I can't really look to some countries for funding since they haven't signed the Mine Ban Treaty and the conversation has reminded me how unbelievably stupid these weapons are and why I'm here.....


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