Monday, August 28, 2006

Rainy season

So apparently rainy season just hit. Poured with rain on Saturday evening, a light shower yesterday and today it’s been pouring on and off all morning. I’m actually cold – sitting here in long pants, and a cardigan. I’m going to have to go into town and buy one of those shawl things all the women here wear – kinda like a pashmina scarf only a little thicker – to use as a blankie as it can be almost cold and damp now. Maybe I’m just adjusting to the weather and it’s not actually cold as I think it’s still well over 15 possibly like 20 degrees. Since it’s a kinda miserable day I might as well share the most miserable thing I’ve heard in a while. Apparently up country there have been a number of returnees (young ppl or kids who were abducted by the rebels but managed to escape or were released) who have realized that the giant seeds they were given to plant while in captivity which they were told would grow into huge trees that could feed everyone were actually landmines. They went all over planting these seeds and only just learned what they actually were from a mine risk education session in their community. Needless to say these young people were very upset – they thought that was one good thing they had done while in captivity. Now their ‘seeds’ are scattered around the countryside waiting for people to return home from the camps.


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