Saturday, September 02, 2006

I got lost!!!

Well I felt so much better after ranting in that last post plus I talked to my friend Ben who is another mine action intern (he’s in India) and he was feeling the same way. It’s really good that we have each other all over the world who are all going through similar things b/c we can be each other’s support network. Technology is crazy – I can call my sister for free over yahoo messenger, text message Heath in Tblisi Georgia and Meg is middle of nowhere Mozambique, and chat on line with friends all over the world. It helps so much.
Last night was another expat night at Bubble’s (the Irish pub) with Jess and her roomies. We did a much better job of mingling and chatting with other ppl – I am working on this whole need to make friends thing. It was a fun night but I’m not too sure how happy Julius was about having to let me in at like 240 in the morning. Ah well what can you do?

I got lost for the first time today. Seriously lost. I got in the wrong taxi and ended up pretty much in a slum. Ok the paved road above the slum. It was ridiculous I went to the right spot in the taxi park, asked one of the girls already in the taxi if it was going to kamwokja and she said yes. Next thing I know I’m going the wrong way and I ended up at the far end of Bombo road…. Which apparently isn’t exactly the best part of town. So I waited until another woman got off and got off too. I asked her for directions and she must have been either Congolese or Rwandan b/c she only spoke French. I just crossed the road and got in a taxi going back into town – back to the taxi park to try again…..
I got in the right taxi this time and got to the wildlife authority to ask about gorilla visit permits. I have to bring like 750 buck US on Monday so my dad and I can go trekking in the hills to see the mountain gorillas. Excited for that.
Spent much of today shopping, I finally got some survenir-y type thing for my place. A really nice hand woven shawl (kinda like a pashmina) to wear when it’s cold in the office etc that doubles as a blanket on my couch, a basket to put my cutlery in and a mask. Now I’m so tired that I opted to not go to the house/techno/trance party on the beach in Entebbe I was invited to well tired plus can’t say that house/techno and trance music would motivate me to go all the way to Entebbe…..
Ah well I guess that’s all for now. Have a great weekend.
PS may be developing a bit of an addiction to prison break as the entire first season is on the server so i have like 20 episodes to watch....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erin, glad you're doing ok. As lame as this sounds, I'm going to follow your game plan to deal with my Port Moody shock. Realizing I don't know people here, so going to explore my neighbourhood a bit now.... (find things other than pubs, which have already been located)

Take care,
xox Laura

September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Erin, I will watch your Dad's ballroom dancing moves so I am happy he will be able to stay out of the way of the Mountain Gorillas. Keep up the good work, enjoying your blog.


September 08, 2006  

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