Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Program Cut?!?!?

So apparently the government program that funded my placement is on the chopping block. It was one of the programs cut in that announcement last week. Thankfully it doesn't look like they are gonna recall us which no one considered until someone said it wouldn't be happening. It really sucks because I know I would never had got this experience without that funding and I know a lot of mine ban campaigns internationally (our hosts in general) rely on having an intern because the rest of the staff are volunteers and the interns have very useful skills. Christa always gets people asking for an intern at all the international mine action conferences - apparently we're a in-demand commodity. Unfortunately if these cuts go through there are no more international internships through the department of foreign affairs and international trade, I'm not sure what the status of the internships through CIDA is but probably not good. This was announced while Christa was here and almost instantly she had like 100 emails. It looks like the opposition and the internship coordinators from tons of NGOs are going to be fighting it. So if you wanted to do this program start throwing a fit and telling Stevie so. Not looking forward to telling Evelyn that she might not get someone next year. Guess I'm even luckier than I originally thought to get this placement.


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