Thursday, November 23, 2006

10 clues it's not a busy day at the office

So some things of note:

1. It is grasshopper season - I cannot walk more than 20 metres without someone offering me grasshoppers, usually from a large plastic tub, (they are a delicacy) or seeing someone catching grasshoppers or shelling them. It is also mango season which is slightly more appealing.

2. The number of lizards in my house continues to grow, now there is a green slightly bigger gecko type thing that lives around my front door in addition to the one or two white and yellow geckos that live in the bathroom and the living room. This green one ran over my foot yesterday which resulted in a yelp of shock and me leaving the front door open for over an hour so the thing could run out.

3. It has rained everyday since Sunday - not the whole day but man does it ever rain when it starts. Mud is not my friend.

4. Currently looking into getting a second sim card so i can text ppl at home when i get bored. Won't be in most of the time but I'll keep you posted.

5. Really have very little to do today which is ok because I'm really really tired for some reason. I think I baked too much last night (cinnamon buns and a double batch of oatmeal cookies).

6. Ants are the bane of my existence - they have recently showed up in my house. I need to find ant traps.

7. It's American Thanksgiving today so Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends, celebrating it for the first time mainly because I'm not about to turn down an event at Jane's house. She's baking.....

8. I have been very cold the last couple of nights. I think I may need an actual blanket on my bed not just the sheet.

9. There were stray kittens wandering around Bubbles on Tuesday when Liz, Dave and I went for movie night. There was one tiny one that actually sat and watched Back to the Future on Tuesday night for a couple of minutes. I want it.

10. I think I am going to make important people from various government ministries and other NGOs play person bingo (or maybe person tic-tac-toe) tomorrow just because I think it will be amusing and weird. It should set a very relaxed mood for the meeting which it sounds like I am chairing. I do appreciate Jane pushing me to do this because it will be very good for my resume etc but honestly a little scared - what if they don't take me seriously???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoy your updates from Uganda!! Hope you are enjoying your time there.

November 25, 2006  

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