I cracked
Now some whining:
1. our dumb ass neighbours tried to trim their trees and managed to trim the power line instead.... so the power cut out on Saturday afternoon and was just restored this morning - that is too long for the inverters so that meant that i haven't had internet/power for anything since Saturday. Hello heating up water in a pot on gas in order to 'shower' in warm water. Last night was supposed to be a power so that means that although I currently have power it will be gone tonight again...................... damn idiots who don't know how to cut down trees
2. It's damn cold here (needed a blankie last night) though I am jealous of the snow Victoria is getting. Though the cold would probably kill me it still would be nicer than all the mud here.
3. I've recently discovered a new pet peeve, it is closely related to the widespread dislike of people who don't return phone calls. My newest pet peeve is people who don't reply to text messages which is actually worse than not returning phone calls b/c you expect texting to be instant (well within an hour or two b/c ppl always have their phones with them and it doesn't take much so even if they don't have airtime at the moment all they have to do is go outside to get some), one guy I know here has yet to respond to either message from the weekend and last time it took him 3 days to respond. Now this does not apply to international text messages b/c well those are pretty sketchy anyways but seriously same city and it only costs about 7 cents to text, no excuse. And this is why I have a blog - I can rant about people I know here and not be a total bitch b/c most people don't have my blog address and if they do they probably don't read it very often as they could just talk to me to find out what is up.
Good news though - the peacebuilding project that Evelyn and I wrote got funded this morning. So yay sense of accomplishment.
So what was on this pizza?
just a nice margherta pizza (yes I know i can't spell)
Hrm sounds right :)
Ugh so hows the weather there in Uganda I think you said it was cooling down???
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