Thursday, January 18, 2007

headaches, heartaches and painkillers

summary of life right now as internet time is short
- No gas in the stove = eating out or boiling with kettle/toasting dinner when there is power
- dry season and the dust everywhere
- difficulties communicating with the pader office to get them on the same page and get them cooperative. they claimed to have no knowledge of the project despite one of the team attending most meetings we've had and a number of emails detailing the project as far back as november. forced me to go to pader and find that they hadn't even mobilized the people i wanted to interview
- the trainers - between not returning phone calls/not showing up for meetings, handing me about 15 pages to type up for the training manual (just in case i wasn't busy enough), and beeping me at 9 pm to discuss their contract (something that we were scheduled to meet about but didn't respond in anyway to my text message), these three men may be directly responsible for me going insane.
- the number of activities to be done in an ever shrinking amount of time
- all of the organization going to loro for a retreat while i stayed behind and got a crash course in project implementation.

- how lonely it's been to move 4 hours away from all my friends and not have internet access except at cafes and not know more than 15 people in town
- meeting so many young people who have so much potential and education, who could do amazing things if only they had the opportunity. so many educated people who volunteer b/c nothing else to do.
- jess going home

- seeing the impact eg. suzie using a computer for the first time and then the next day winning at hearts
- adelaide trying to marry me off and the rest of the coalition offerign to pitch in for my high bride price
- hearing that youth want to volunteer with us b/c cpar does good work
- meeting and selecting these really cool and capable youth for the project


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you!

Be strong my sista. You can do it. Don't question your abilities, just give'r.

"You must always have faith in yourself!" - Our fav blonde - Elle Woods

Hugs and kisses - Junior Crazy

January 19, 2007  

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