Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Slacking a bit on the blog

So it’s been a while since I wrote anything on the blog mainly because I did not touch a computer from Friday morning til Monday morning. I went to Kampala to get away and get away I did.
Barely got the last bus to Kampala after experiencing a dust storm followed by a rain storm complete with hail while in Anaka then driving back with 14 traditional birth attendants in the back of the pickup who had just completed a training and were being dropped off at the next camp. Though in the chaos of leaving mid-rain storm to pick up the TBAs I somehow managed to leave my keys in the training hall which caused some problems on Sunday night.
Had a good weekend in Kampala. Made it down just in time to see The Last King of Scotland on opening night with Chelsea, Chris, James from MAT and Nathan which was pretty cool. We all recognized so many places and a couple of the extras were people who left Kampala just before I arrived. Went out dancing afterwards and then stayed with Chelsea.
Next day ran some errands around town, took an hour and half long nap on the couch of my old office, picked out some sports jerseys for the project and chose the t-shirt colour. High-light of the day had to be making and eating nachos at Kristy’s house. She had imported the tortilla chips from her trip to Kenya and had decided to eat them, we bought the precious cheese and made a huge mountain of nachos with all the fixins. IT WAS HEAVEN. Not quite up to Christie’s standards or anything but still amazing especially b/c ate them in the yard overlooking part of the city.
That night went to the nicest pizza place in town with everyone, think like if el terrazzo opened a pizzeria only cut the cost in a third (three pizzas, a bottle of red wine, a half litre of white and some bottles of water cost about 60 dollars, aka about 12 dollars each) before going out to play some pool where I wowed the guys with my ability to play until they handed me a wrangi (local gin) and tonic. By the end of the drink, my skills were no longer impressive. Later got the privilege of seeing Uganda’s 50 Cent in concert. His Excellency Bobi Wine was quite the show. I’ll have to bring home a cd…..
Sunday said goodbye to Elizabeth the American volunteer that was working in the health sector of Kampala office before getting on the bus back up. Bus ride from hell later I arrived in Gulu to a locked bedroom door and no spare key!!!
Thus spent Sunday evening watching Raymond break into my room. My door is still broken but I can sleep in my bed and access my clothes so it’s all good. Also learned that we hadn’t had power since Saturday and the only reason we had running water is because we have a tank which is filled when water comes during the night. Still don’t have power and it’s Wednesday – yay generators!!!!! Getting bloody ridiculous though.
Spent yesterday and today in the field and am super tired now, yet going back to the field tomorrow and then on Thursday to show someone from CPAR Toronto the project and then possibly on Friday to continue with Dwight’s field visit.
Man I’m tired. Ah well party at MAT tonight so that should be fun – other NGOs weren’t invited but I get to come b/c I am so cool. Ha ha ha ha


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