Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Surrealism in Amuru

So was out in Amuru today meeting with the subcounty chief and the LCIII chairperson to check out the plot of land they are giving us for the youth meeting space when I had the most surreal experience. One of our side trips was to visit a beneficiary of the mine action project who is in tailoring training at the moment. So I'm standing there in this tiny tailoring hole in the wall huddling in the shade because the sun in blazing hot with the market behind me trying to pick out what is being discussed all in acholi while pretending not to notice the couple of kids behind me who are amazed to see a muno in the market when I notice there are two songs playing. One is "Good Morning Beautiful" by Keith Urban and the other is "What's Love" by Fat Joe. Proves that even though I've been over here for a while now I can still have the surreal 'holy shit' moments (as Kate so appropriately dubbed them).
Afterwards went to my friend Judith's house which is the nicest hut I'd ever been in (really reassuring b/c up to now the only huts in the camps I had been to were those of landmine survivors and people with disabilities who were struggling so I got to see that there was more to the camps than total poverty and/or squalor.) and she insisted on sending me home with a big grocery bag full of fresh peanuts (g-nuts here) really not sure what I'm supposed to do with them but love that she gave them to me. I've handed them off to Alice our housekeeper at the office who will roast them or something.....


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