Monday, March 12, 2007

Voices of the Youth

On the Impact of the Conflict

“The Northern conflict itself …has become unhealing wounds causing death and injuries days and nights” Owino Geoffrey, Paicho Sub County

“Even our younger brothers and sisters, if this northern conflict does not end, will not grow up to be a capable generation in the future of Uganda’s government because even education is not effective to them, they are being abducted, their rights were abused, they were left orphans” Akumu Suzan, Bungatira Sub County

“Before the beginning of the war in Northern Uganda, people …. use to live happily in their home and villages. They have cattle, grew crops in their gardens and they moved freely from their villages to the trading centres … as a way of life which is base on a very strong value system.” Oprio Jacob, Anaka Sub County

“As a result of the northern conflict, many people have been gazzetted into a camp system of which it has become very difficult to efficiently follow the culture” Ongaba Bernard, Anaka Sub County

On Peace

“Now all the community in the region is opting for peaceful resolution for this Northern war/conflict” Topaco Richard, Amuru Sub County

“So we the youth of Northern Uganda are trying to stand up firmly and struggle for peace as we are also citizens of Uganda and we have right for peace” Akumu Suzan, Bungatira Sub County

“All youth should awake on struggling for peace building within their area, and they should forget on issues that might interfere with peace making” Opoka Robert, Anaka Sub County

“Northern Uganda is currently trying to be united since there was tribal differences and due to search for peace as we youth strand firm to preach peace throughout Uganda and globally” Akello Monica Latrifah, Bungatira Sub County

“We are not looking at the root of the conflict but we are just looking [at] the stem of the conflict that is why the ending of the conflict is difficult…” Akello Jennifer, Anaka Sub County

“Youth and children below 21 years do not know peace. We are born in war… despite all of this we the youth support peaceful means of bringing peace to Northern Uganda. We need equal peace to other parts of Uganda, we need to go back home. Please we need peace and want to see peace that people talk of.” Akera Judith, Amuru Sub County

“I will also request them to involve youth in the peace building process since youth are the role model for peace in the community and their voice should be presented…” Amito Beatrice, Anaka Sub County

“Peace in Northern Uganda can be got through dialogue” Obita Leodjellic, Amuru Sub County

Some “may feel we aren’t useful and promoting peace in our community as their minds is only about peace in Juba” Aciro Adelaide Opsa, Gulu Municipality

“It is also very important to appreciate and understand that the indigenous knowledge system and our own ways of building peace are very appropriate, essential and vital.” Kinyera Christopher, Bungatira Sub County

“However a bit of peace has emerged. There is still fear that talks may not bear good fruits so may I kindly request you … to work hard so that we continue attaining peace.” Okello Stephen, Lalogi Sub County

On the Future

“Transform our community through sharing and working together to build and sustain peace in Northern Uganda.” Otara John, Amuru Sub County

“If peace comes back to Acholiland, the level of our education will improve, we shall be able to fight poverty through farming as we shall go back to our ancestral land … our lost culture will also be gained and we shall be able to practice them.” Akello Evaline, Lalogi Sub County

“Returnees should be given amnesty because it wasn’t their will of going to the bush.” Bongomin Charles, Gulu Muncipality

“The whole world should stand up for the 20 years Northern Uganda has experienced war so that the problem of abducting children is prevented” Olanya Steward, Lalogi Sub County

“I and other youth of N.Uganda swear and have hope that instead of having war, we are going to perceive peace, love and unity among the people of N.Uganda.” Ochaka Geoffrey, Anaka Sub County

“I wish peace could resume back in Northern Uganda” Apuyu Vincent Wokorach, Lalogi Sub County

I had to type up these quotes from their essays on what they would tell parliament about peace and conflict in Northern Uganda for an advocacy information package. I asked if they (ok two representatives who happened to be in the resource centre) if it was ok to circulate this and they said fine so here it is.


Blogger Chris said...

Hey Erin- our big mistake.
Last minute, Chelsea decided (from Kenya) that she was going back to Glasgow, and not the farm!
Very last minute.
Please send me your email to
Hope all is well, please give my best to Jane if you can.

March 13, 2007  

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