Friday, April 06, 2007

Who am I?

So since my contract is finally over people have begun asking me how this experience has affected me. How I've changed and all that. I honestly have no idea and I've been thinking about it alot. I know that I've changed and everything but I don't think I can know how until I get home. I don't think I'm the same person I was when I left but I dont' know how different me now is from me then or even who me now really is. Is she the girl that is happy in her little life in Victoria with friends from forever just down the street, is she some slightly hippy-ish development worker who is content living in a small african town, or is she both of these people? I don't know though looking more hippy right now as I got my hair plaited as they say so braids halfway down my back. Photos to follow!
I just hope I still fit in at home, my life here is so different from my life at home that I think the transition back may be tough. I really can't say now though - I guess this is something I'll have to figure out when I get back.
Easter long weekend! Normally it's an easter egg hunt (yes I'm over 20 and still have an easter egg hunt with the little sister) where Laura competes against me and I dont' really try that hard. I wonder how that hunt will go this year?


Anonymous Anonymous said...



April 06, 2007  

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